Completing course evaluations is a very important and necessary process. This information is helpful not only for the faculty involved, but for the university as well. Student anonymity is protected. Course instructors will only receive overall results of the survey, not the names of those who completed the survey. In order to encourage student participation, students and instructors receive a series of emails prior to and during the course evaluation survey period.


One to two weeks prior to the course evaluation survey period, instructors will receive an email ( alerting them that the course evaluation survey period will begin soon. Instructors are encouraged to remind students to complete surveys concerning all courses for which they are enrolled. A separate email pre-notification will be sent for On-campus and Online courses.

Course Evaluations Available for Completion

Once course evaluations become available for student completion, instructors will receive an email containing a Table of Courses for the current term and year for which course evaluations are available. A separate email notification will be sent for On-campus and Online courses.

During the course evaluation period, instructors will receive follow-up emails containing current response rates per course. Additional information concerning ratings and student names are not included in these email updates.

Course Evaluation Results Available for Instructors

Course evaluation results are available for faculty (instructors) after the submission of final grades for the term/year. See the current academic calendar for additional information. Within the course evaluation results, instructors do not receive information such as student names with corresponding ratings. Information such as number of respondents and course enrollment is included in the aggregate of responses/results. Administrators (chairs and deans) can view course evaluation information following the survey completion period (8AM on the first day of exams).

EvaluationKIT Login Assistance

Instructors are able to access evaluation information from previous terms/years through their Blackboard account or by logging into EvaluationKIT at: If an instructor, dean or department chair has difficulty logging in and/or accessing course evaluation information, please create a help ticket.