EvaluationKit is the university’s course evaluation solution that provides a robust, easy-to-use, web-based course evaluations process for university faculty and students. 

For students, EvaluationKit allows the ease of submitting course evaluations feedback via the web or mobile devices. The student’s identity is anonymous to faculty, thereby allowing the student the freedom to give candid responses about the course taken and the instructor who taught it.

For faculty, EvaluationKit provides various reporting options to view course evaluation results for the current academic term as well as prior term results. Evaluation results are accessible, to each faculty, through Blackboard (http://blackboard.ncat.edu). Course evaluation feedback results are available to faculty one day after final grades are due for the semester.

Course evaluations begin each semester approximately one month prior to “reading day” (first Friday in November for Fall, 1st Friday in April for Spring, 2nd Friday in July for Summer II; as indicated by the academic calendar) and closes the morning on the first day of final exams.

University deans and chairs are able to access EvaluationKit (https://ncat.evaluationkit.com) to obtain detailed evaluation reports related to their college and/or departments. 

Once logged on, follow these steps to change your password:

1. In the upper right corner, click on the down arrow beside your name, then select ‘My Account’

2. Change your password on the following screen: (Please make sure to press the SAVE button to apply changes)

Login access is assigned by the EvaluationKit administrator, please contact the administrator for assistance.

The end of course evaluation surveys for on-campus and distance learning classes are attached to this article for your reference.